Activities summary

Weekly Activities

Day Time Burnage PWR Church PWR Hall Zoom


See: When we worship

See: When we worship












Indoor bowls





Bible Questions






Junior BBGA

Life & Friendship






Manchester Christian Bretheren Church


Anchor BBGA


Company BBGA



Activities by Age Range

Pre school


'For children under 5 years of age accompanied by an adult, normally a parent or grandparent. Activities include playtime, ball pool, crafts, rhymes and music. Toast and drinks for all. £2.00 for one adult and child, 50p for an additional child.

We meet in Parrs Wood Road Church on a Friday morning during term time 10:00 – 12:00. We welcome families from the local area. There may be a waiting list, so to find out if there are spaces or for any further information please email

School age

2nd Burnage Rainbows, Brownies & Guides

Brownies, for girls between 7 and 10, meet at Burnage on a Tuesday evening during term time at 19:30 
Rainbows & Guides have now joined with St Margaret's and meet on a Wednesday evening

The 9th Didsbury Brownies

 For girls between 7 and 10
 Meet in Parrs Wood Road Hall on a Monday evening during term time from 18:00 - 19:30 

The 9th Didsbury Guides

We meet on a Monday evening at Parrs Wood Road church hall from 19.30 - 21:00, during term time.

The Girl Guides program is for girls aged between 10 and 14 years of age. Guiding equips girls to become change makers, peace builders and decision makers.

Our guiding program of activities is girl led, the activities are designed to help girls fulfil their aspirations and encourage them to set personal goals.

The girls attend camp each summer for a long weekend, and also have the opportunity to go on day trips during the school holidays.

5th Manchester Boy’s Brigade & Girl's Association

            Uniformed organisation for boys and girls and young men and women from ages 5 up to 19
            Meet in Parrs Wood Road Hall on a Friday evening


Bible Questions

            Exploring the Bible book by book and finding the answers to lots of questions
            Meet by Zoom on Tuesdays 19:45 onwards

Indoor bowls

           A bit of gentle exercise in good company
           Meet in Parrs Wood Road Church Tuesdays 13:30 – 15:30

Life & Friendship Group

            Have you experienced loss and are you finding it difficult to cope? You are not alone!
            Meet by Zoom on Wednesday 14:30- 16:30 Zoom ID 347 230 0315
            Further information: 07402816231

Manchester Christian Bretheren Church

A Bible based Indian congregation from Kerela with services in English and Malayalam.

Meet in PWR Church on Friday evenings 19:30 for Prayer Meeting & Bible Teaching
Meet in alternate building to that advertised for CCSMURC 9:30 Sunday School and Bible Study10:30 Breaking Bread 12::00 Word Ministry

For more information about these organisations and activities, please click on the name in the side bar.

In addition, many groups with no immediate church connection meet during the day and in the evening at our Burnage Church premises and at Parrs Wood Road Church Hall and occasionally in the Church. The range includes fitness groups, NHS clinics, birthday parties and wedding receptions, community group meetings and religious group conferences and retreats.

N.B. Though Covid restrictions have been relaxed nationally, URC & local guidelines are still being followed to protect the vulnerable. We still require submission and approval of an activity specific risk assessment before an activity can take place, to show that activity organisers have thought about how their activity can be carried out with minimal risk to everyone, not just the Covid risk. .

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