We have church news/notices

Sat. 10th  Feb. 14:00-16:00 — Burnage — Love Pancakes

Now in its 20th year, an afternoon for all the family with FREE pancakes. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Sat. 27th Jan. 18:30 till Late — Burnage — Games Night

Free fun for all the family. Bring games, drinks & snacks for yourself or to share

Sat. 2nd  Dec. 11:00-15:00 Parrs Wood Road – PWR Christmas Fair

Stalls, Games, Secret Santa. Cafe and more

Sat. 4th Nov. 10:30-14:00 – Burnage – Burnage Bazaar

Cakes, Tombola, Bric-a-brac, Fancy goods, Raffle and Jams.
Our Café will be offering drinks & lunches.

Tues 31st Oct, 18:00-19:30 – Parrs Wood Road – Light Party

Sat. 14th Oct. 11:30 – 15:30 – Burnage - Musicathon

What it says on the tin, in Aid of Francis House Children’s Hospice.

Sat. 07th Oct. 14:30 – Parrs Wood Road – Boys’ Brigade Jumble Sale & Auction

Come down on Friday night to drop off jumble you are donating, or contact Ben Smith or one of the BB Officers a day or two in advance, if you want larger items collecting or come and grab yourself a bargain on the Saturday.

Sun. 27h Sept. 12:30 – Miller & Carter – Grub Club

Grub Club meet on Wednesday to socialise over a meal like Jesus used to do. Venue Miller & Carter Toby Carvery, 271 Wellington Rd N, Stockport SK4 5BP. See Pauline Jones to book a place or sign up on the sheet at the back of church

Sat. 23 Sept. 11:30-15:00 – Parrs Wood Road – Fun Day

Free Fun Day Teddy Tombola, Mocktails, Hot Dogs, Candy Floss, Games, Crafts, Refreshments

Sun. 17th Sept. 12:30 – Burnage – Church Meeting

Our next Cornerstone Church Meeting will be held after church on 17th September. Bring your lunch, please.

Tues. 12th Sept. 19:30 – Burnage – Elders’ Council Meeting

A reminder to Elders of the meeting at Burnage this Tuesday

Sun. 20th Aug. after church – Ladybower Reservoir – Summer Walk

Bring a picnic. Approx 2 hours walk on good paths. Start: Fairholme Visitor Centre car park (S33 0AQ).

Sat. 5th Aug. 14:00 – Burnage – Strawberry Cream Tea

Come with a friend or come and find one. Strawberries, cream, jam, tea in abundance. In aid of MacMillan, in memory of our dear friends Norma Robertshaw & Jean Draper.

Tues. 18th July 19:00 – Didsbury URC – Elders Council

Note new time and day. Future Elders’ meetings planned for 19:00 2nd Tuesday venue tba at previous meeting

Sun 09th July 16:00 – Parrs Wood Road – Messy Church

An afternoon of story, songs, prayer, crafts and a meal. All ages welcome

Sun. 2nd July 12:30 – Burnage – First Cornerstone Members’ Meeting

There are lots of things we need to vote on to enable Cornerstone United Reformed Church to be fully functional. If you are a member come and be part of the process of getting our new church off the ground.

Sat July 1st 19:30 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Boys’ Brigade Annual Display

No need to travel to France or Florida, Disney 100 comes to a church near you courtesy of our own 5th Company of B.B.

Sat. 17th June 18:00 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery evening in aid of Christian  Aid on Saturday 17th June. This should be another excellent evening of sleuthing, laughs and food, but we are still in need of potential suspects and kitchen helpers! Please see Sarah Cattell if you'd like to be involved. Tickets will cost £7 & will be available in a couple of weeks.

Thurs 15th June 19:00 – Burnage (Side Room) – Elders’ Council Meeting

A reminder of the start time and venue for the first Cornerstone URC Elders’ Council meeting

Sun 4th June 14:30 – Parrs Wood Road – Cornerstone URC’s Inaugural Service of Covenant and Celebration

The Orders of Service are also at the printers and the catering well in hand. Let the celebrations begin! Again best wishes, prayers and thanks to all those involved in the preparation for the service and involved in some way on the day.

Sat. 3rd June 14:30 – Didsbury URC – Closing service

The Orders of Service are at the printers. The catering arrangements are finalised. All that remains is to wish all those taking part the best of luck, our prayers are with you at this difficult time.


Sun. 12th March 14:00 – Christ Church Parrs Wood Road - Big Band Concert

Thurs. 9th March 19:45 – Zoom – Elders’ Council

Serving Elders are reminded of the Elders’ Council Meeting this Thursday.

Sat. 4th March 14:30 – CCSURC Parrs Wood Road Church All – BB Jumble Sale

Jumble Sale & Auction. Offers of help and donations to Ben Smith 07970 091 991

Fri. 3rd March 15:00 – Burnage – CTIB World Day of Prayer Service

Sat. 18th Feb. 14:00-16:00 - Burnage- Love Pancakes 

Now in its 19th year, Love Pancakes. Come and enjoy some FREE pancakes! Children should be accompanied by an adult.

Sun. 12th Feb. – 13:00 -16:00 – Parrs Wood Road, Warm Hub

Parrs Wood Road Church will be open for those who want to remain warm without having to turn on the heating at home. Tea, coffee & board games available. Please bring your own lunch

Tues. 31st Jan. 12:30 for 13:00 - Barlow Croft Carvery - Grub Club

Grub Club meets on Tuesday, January 31st, at 12.30 for 1pm at Barlow Croft Carvery, Parrswood Entertainment Centre M20 5PG. There will be sign-up sheets at the back of both our church buildings.  Contact Pauline Jones (0161 431 7981) or Elaine Brooks (01625 522 208) for information.

Sun. 22th Jan. 15:00 – 16:00 – Burnage - CTIB Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service

Christians Together in Burnage are joining people from across the country in celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with a short service. Please come and support us.


Sun. 22th Jan. – 13:00 -16:00 – Parrs Wood Road, Warm Hub

Parrs Wood Road Church will be open for those who want to remain warm without having to turn on the heating at home. Tea, coffee & board games available. Please bring your own lunch

Sat. 21st Jan. 19:00 till last game is finished!– Parrs Wood Road Church – Games Evening

Tea and coffee is available. Please bring your own soft drinks, snacks/nibbles and the game(s) of your choice. Everyone welcome!

Sun. 8th Jan. 13:00-16:00 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Warm Hub

Tea, coffee and board games will be available for those in the community who wish to enjoy a bit of warmth in these times of fuel poverty.

Sun. 1st Jan. 14:30 – 17:00 – Burnage – Film Show

A Christian musical film will be shown on New Year’s Day at a later time than usual worship, to allow recovery after New Year’s Eve. Tea, coffee and snacks will be available. 

Sun. 25th Dec. 10:30 – Parrs Wood Road – Christmas Day Service

Note earlier time, to allow people to get home for Christmas lunch or to Burnage for lunch there.

Sat. 24th Dec. 23:30 – Burnage Church – Midnight Communion Service

Alicia Jones leads us worshipfully into Christmas Day.

Sun. 18th Dec. 16:00 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Messy Christingle

Messy Church adopts a Christmas theme. All ages welcome for festive crafts, songs, stories and food.

Sun. 18th Dec. 10:45 – Burnage Church – Worship & Nativity

David & Sue Blackburn continue the annual Burnage Nativity tradition

Sun. 11th Dec. 18:30– Mission Partnership Zoom Service

A great way to see the faces of friends known to us, and to meet new friends as we worship together for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill and Pastor K and volunteers from our churches. Please use the following link and details for this and future services.


Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978


Sun. 11th Dec. 18:30 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Carol Service

Parrs Wood Road annual Carol Service led by David Blackburn and Anna Smith

Sun. 11th Dec. 15:00 -18:00 – Parrs Wood Road Church – Warm Hub

The church is open to everyone, to socialise, relax or work and keep warm in these times of fuel poverty. Please tell anyone who may struggle to keep themselves warm at this time of year. Future dates Jan 8th, 22nd 13:00-16:00.

Tues. 6th Dec. 19:45 – Zoom – Bible Questions

Everyone is very welcome to ‘come along’ even if you have not attended before. Join us in our study of Joel on alternate Tuesdays using the following Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2088918078 Meeting ID: 208 891 8078. There is no password for this meeting.
It is also possible to dial in by phone.
Further details from Ruth Shepherd 0161 224 4543

Sun. 4th Dec. 18:30 – Didsbury Methodist Church – Ecumenical Advent Carol Servcice

N.B. not the big Church like building on Sandhurst Rd corner but the modern building next door along Wilmslow Rd, also with access via Sandhurst Rd.

Sat. 3rd Dec. 11:00-15:00 – Parrs Wood Road – Parrs Wood Road Christmas Fair

To run a stall or help in the cafe/or games or to donate toys, good quality gifts, books or cakes to sell, please contact Sarah Cattell 07999 536 638

Fri. 2nd Dec. 18:15-18:30 – Fog Lane Christmas tree – BB Band playing

BB Band are playing at the switch on of the Fog Lane Christmas tree lights, which takes place at 18:30 followed by mince pies at St. Nicholas' Church on Kingsway.

Sun. 27th Nov. 10:45 – Parrs Wood Road – Annual Toy Service

Please bring gifts for our annual Toy Service next week for distribution to the Salvation Army.

Sat. 19th Nov. 14:30 – PWR Church – Kurauone’s (Pastor K)Induction Service

This will take place at our Parrs Wood premises at 2:30pm Saturday 19th November.

Numbers are limited. if you would like to be present in person, please let David Blackburn know by Tuesday 8th November at the latest. (The planning group will then look at the numbers so we can accommodate as many requests as possible from across the partnership).

Sun.13th Nov 18:30– Mission Partnership Zoom Service

A great way to see the faces of friends from other partnership churches, and to meet new friends, as we come together virtually, for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill, Kurauone Mitimwii, and Marion Tugwood and volunteers from our churches. Please use the following link and details for this and future services.


Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978

Tues. 08th Nov 19:45 - Zoom - Bible Questions

Everyone is very welcome to ‘come along’ even if you have not attended before. Join us in our study of Hosea on alternate Tuesdays using the following Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2088918078 Meeting ID: 208 891 8078. There is no password for this meeting.
It is also possible to dial in by phone.
Further details from Ruth Shepherd 0161 224 4543

Sun. 6th Nov. 12:30ish – Burnage – Extra Church Meeting

There will be a brief Extra-ordinary Church Meeting on Sunday 6 November following morning worship. The purpose is to obtain the members’ agreement to a proposal from the Elders to open the Parrs Wood Road Church building during the winter months at times to be determined as part of the Warm Hub scheme. Fuller information will be provided to enable members to reach a decision on this important topic.

Sat. 5th Nov. 11:00-14:00 – Burnage – Burnage “Golden” Bazaar

Come and celebrate 50 years of Burnage Bazaar. You are encouraged to wear things gold or golden in colour. Roll up! Roll up! All the fun of the Fair! Our very own Christmas Market!

Mon. 31st Oct. 18:00-20:00 – Parrs Wood Road Hall – Light Party

Our alternative to a Halloween party , with the emphasis on Heroes not Horror. Food, games & music. Free. All ages welcome.

Sun. 30th Oct. 13:30 – Parrs Wood Road – Bring & Share Anniversary Lunch

Anniversary lunch. Contact Simon Watts simonjwatts@gmail.com to put your name down to provide food. He is coordinating things so that we have a balanced meal.

Sun 30th Oct. 13:00 – Parrs Wood Road Memorial Garden – Commemorative Tree Planting

A short service to plant a commemorative tree.

Sun. 30th Oct. 10:45 – Parrs Wood Road – 50th Anniversary of the URC Service

Joint service with Didsbury URC to celebrate 50 years since the URC came into existence. Anything you want recalled in the service or any contribution you want to make, contact Roger Newton.

Sat. 29th Oct. 11:30 – 15:30 – Burnage - Musicathon

What it says on the tin, in Aid of Francis House Children’s Hospice.

Weds. 26th Oct. 12:30 for 13:00 –Table Table, Cheadle Royal – Grub Club

Contact Pauline Jones (0161 431 7981) or Elaine Brooks (01625 522 208) if you wish to attend

Tues. 11th Oct 19:45 - Zoom - Bible Questions

Everyone is very welcome to ‘come along’ even if you have not attended before. Join us at the start of our study of Hosea on alternate Tuesdays using the following Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2088918078 Meeting ID: 208 891 8078. There is no password for this meeting.
It is also possible to dial in by phone.
Further details from Ruth Shepherd 0161 224 4543

Sun.09th Oct. 6:30 pm– Mission Partnership Zoom Service

A great way to see the faces of friends from other partnership churches, and to meet new friends, as we come together virtually, for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill and Marion Tugwood and volunteers from our churches. Please use the following link and details for this and future services.


Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978

Sun. 25th Sept 14:30 – N.W. Synod 50th Anniversary Communion Service

Victoria Hall (Methodist Mission) Knowsley St, Bolton, BL1 2AS. Guest Preacher: Revd Philip Brooks, URC Deputy Geeral Secretary (Mission). Followed by refreshments. Please book tickets via Martie Newton, Synod Office or visit: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/select/RdiEJKhzXNnT 

Sun. 25th Sept. 10:45 – Parrs Wood Road – Harvest Thanksgiving Service

Our Parade Service will include a service of Harvest Thanksgiving and Prayers. We will be collecting gifts for the Burnage Food Bank. Please check what they currently need if you intend to bring a gift.

Sat. 24th Sept. – Parrs Wood Road – Harvest Social Quiz & Meal

There will be a Harvest Social at Parrs Wood Road, which we hope to share with our friends at Didsbury URC. This will be a quiz night during which we shall enjoy a three course Bring and Share meal between rounds.

Please contact Sarah Cattell ( 07999536638 or sarah-baddeley@talk21.com) about what food you intend to bring so that she can co-ordinate the meal and not leave us with 200 sausage rolls and 25 trifles.

Sun. 18th Sept. 12:30 – Burnage – Regular Church Meeting

The next regular Church Meeting is on 18th Sept.. Please contact the Church Secretary, Martie Newton: ccsmurcsec@hotmail.com with any agenda items.

Tues. 13th Sept 19:45 - Zoom - Bible Questions

Everyone is very welcome to ‘come along’ even if you have not attended before. Join us at the start of our study of Hosea on alternate Tuesdays using the following Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2088918078 Meeting ID: 208 891 8078. There is no password for this meeting.
It is also possible to dial in by phone.
Further details from Ruth Shepherd 0161 224 4543

Sun.11th Sept. 6:30 pm– Mission Partnership Zoom Service

A great way to see the faces of friends known to us, and to meet new friends as we worship together for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill and Marion Tugwood and volunteers from our churches. Please use the following link and details for this and future services.


Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978

Sun. 11th  Sept. 4:00 pm – Messy Church at Parrs Wood Road

Story, songs, prayer, crafts, meal for all.

Sun. 11th Sept. – Crosstalk deadline

The deadline for articles, letters, diary dates etc. for Crosstalk is today. Please let Ruth Shepherd have them as soon as possible.

Sun 4th September 12:30 – Extra Church Meeting

Chaired by Rev. Dr. Marion Tugwood

Sun. 28th August 12:00 – Fog Lane Park Café – The Greater Manchester Voices Concert

One of our members, Jenni Bird, is anxious for people to join her in the park across the road from our PWR Church to listen to the choir she is in, immediately after our morninge service. Bandstand near Parkville Road entrance. Park cafe will be open for refreshments.

Fri. 26th August 19:30 – Charity Concert at Levenshulme Baptist Church

A Charity Concert for Francis House at Levenshulme Baptist Church, Elmsworth Avenue, M19 3NS.
An evening of Light Classics featuring accordion, clarinet, piano  with Andrea & Bill Watson,  Helen Rich & Chris Cotton  Admission FREE (with retiring collection)

Sun. 14th August 18:30 – Missional Partnership Zoom Service

A great way to see the faces of friends known to us, and to meet new friends as we worship together for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill and Marion Tugwood and volunteers from our churches. The link and details are:.

Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978

Sat. 13th August – Strawberry Cream Tea at Burnage

Bring out all the red, white and blue you wore to the Jubilee - you never know, the Queen might put in an appearance. We will not be serving marmalade sandwiches. Offers of help to Elaine Brooks (01625 522 208) Proceeds to Macmillan.

Weds. 10th August 12:30 for 13:00 – Grub Club

Grub Club meet at Christie Fields Beefeater, M21 7QS. Let Elaine Brooks or Pauline Jones know if you wish to attend or sign the sheet at the back of church nearer the date, to book a place

Mon. 1st – Weds 3rd August – Holiday Special at St. Margaret’s

Lots of activities talks, crafts, films music, lunch and more. Come along to St Margaret's Parish Hall and have a FUN time. Elaine Brooks 01625 522208

Tuesday 26th July – RHS Bridgewater Trip

A coach trip to the above gardens has been organized by Lesley and Roy Cook from Didsbury URC for

Tuesday July 26th

The coach will pick up at Parrs Wood Road and Didsbury URC at around 10 /10 15am, arriving at the gardens at about 11am. There is a café available for food and drinks or you can take your own packed lunch.

Mobility scooters or wheelchairs are available for a deposit but will need to be pre-booked (via Lesley)

The subsidised cost for the coach and entrance fee is £15 per person.


16th July – Canal Boat Trip/Walk

Before lockdown, Alan and Eleanor Dawson won a boat trip on the Macclesfield Canal. They were not able to take up the offer till now. The boat, the Mary Sunley, is fully accessible, including wheel-chair spaces, but can only accommodate 12 people. It is proposed to prioritise access on the boat for those who may have mobility challenges but also consider organising a walk along part of the canal for others who fancy joining Alan & Eleanor. The boat trip would be 11:00-15:00 on Saturday 16th July from Poynton, with lifts arranged for those without transport. Through this event, Alan & Eleanor are hoping to raise money for Christian Aid in memory of their daughter Charlotte and for all those who have also suffered a loss. Rather than charge a rigid price for tickets, they would like to suggest people pay what they can afford (as a rough guide £10-20 per person but understanding budgets are tight, so don't feel bound by this). Please contact Ruth Shepherd or Alan Dawson  or see more details in Crosstalk.

Sun. July 10th 6:30 pm – Missional Partnership Zoom Service

Monthly Evening Partnership Service on Zoom A great way to see the faces of friends known to us, and to meet new friends as we worship together for a short time of worship and reflection. Services are led by partnership ministers Jonnie Hill and Marion Tugwood and volunteers from our churches.

Please use the following link and details. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82181508988?pwd=b2N0S2lRKzRzSUpsemZNcThScnhhUT09 Meeting ID: 821 8150 8988 | Passcode: 716978

Sun. July 10th 4:00 pm – Messy Church at Parrs Wood Road

Story, songs, prayer, crafts, meal for all.

Tues. 5th 7:45 pm – Bible Questions by Zoom

Everyone is very welcome to ‘come along’ even if you have not attended before. Join our study of Acts on alternate Tuesdays using the following Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2088918078 Meeting ID: 208 891 8078. There is no password for this meeting.
It is also possible to dial in by phone.
Further details from Ruth Shepherd 0161 224 4543

Sun. July 3rd 1:00 pmish – Church Meeting at Burnage

Hot foot from Heald Green where she is taking a service next Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Marion Tugwood will be back with us to chair our Church Meeting to which all members are invited. Plenty of time to eat your lunch!?



15th June 12:30 pm – Grub Club

Grub Club Wednesday, 15th June


Miller and Carter

271 Wellington Rd N,

Heaton Chapel, SK4 5BP

Please let Elaine Brooks (01625 522 208) or Pauline Jones (0161 431 7981)

know if you wish to attend.

There will also be a sign-up sheet at the back of both churches.


10th June 7 for 7:30 pm_ Didsbury URC Quiz Night

Fun Quiz Night

Friday, 10th June

7pm for 7.30pm

Didsbury URC, Palatine Road,

Didsbury M20 6DA

Teams or individuals welcome.

No charge - bring refreshments (inc. wine/beer). Tea and coffee provided.




Celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee

Withington Methodist Church

Withington M20 4AN

Thursday, 2nd June


Join us for a Magical Afternoon with tea & cake.

Tickets: £5 adults; £2 under 16, from Heather 07773 015882,

Rita 07946 535323 or Meena (Assist office) 0161 434 9216




14/05/2022 Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Ever been bored in a church meeting? This one will certainly have more drama than the average discussion about the hall floor and who’s providing the biscuits on Sunday!

Join us for our Murder Mystery Dinner Party ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ and see if you can guess who killed the church secretary, Don Riting, just before the church meeting!

The sleuthing will take place during a three-course meal in the church at Parrs Wood Road from 6.30pm on May 14th (please let us know of any dietary requirements).

Tickets cost £7.50 and can be bought from Sarah Cattell (07999 536 638/sarah-baddeley@talk21.com). All proceeds will go to Christian Aid, see below for the link and QR code for our E  envelope if you would like to make an additional donation:


Description automatically generated with low confidencehttps://envelope.christianaid.org.uk/envelope/christchurch-urc?channel=email




23 April 2022 Ukrainian Appeal Fun Day


Monday, 11th April:
Rev Dave Fraser brings his one man show ‘Remembering Mark’s Gospel’ to Didsbury URC (1 Parkfield Rd South, Manchester M20 6DA) at 7.30pm. Words and music retell the last week in the life of Jesus. Everyone is welcome to this free event for Holy Week. Registration is not essential, but emailing gmsouthandcheshiremp@gmail.com would give us some idea of numbers.

A letter from the Elders about what we can do, practically, to help those caught up in the Ukranian conflict either financially or with urgent supplies of medical, personal hygiene and other essential items

?? Flag: Ukraine Emoji — Dictionary of Emoji, Copy & Paste

CC Group E-mail: Disasters Emergency Committee - Ukraine Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is made up of 15 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when they launch an appeal.

The list of charities includes Oxfam, TearFund, British Red Cross, Islamic Relief and Christian Aid.
Earlier this week DEC launched their Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Upto 4 million people are expected to be displaced due to the current conflict. Some may never return to their homes.
Huge numbers are arriving at Ukraine's borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova. Most of these people are arriving with only what they can carry. In many places there are long waits to cross and scant facilities waiting for them on the other side, with temperatures dropping below freezing overnight.  
Aid is urgently needed to help families who may have been separated during the conflict. Women and children may have been split from their fathers and husbands. Their future is uncertain.
If you would like to make a donation to this humanitarian appeal you can either do so on-line at https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal or by phone by calling 0370 60 60 900
Sent on behalf of the Elders of Christ Church South Manchester URC


Lady Barn Park News 


Fog Lane Park News 

From 18/02/2022 Fog Lane Park Cafe is extending its opening hours. Now open 09:00-16:00 Fri-Sun for hot and cold drinks and snacksod. Eat in or take out if the weather is nice.



Following our service today about outreach and discovering our own and others talents and aptitudes, everybody present listed two of their own and  two of their neighbour's. What did we find? The following Word Cloud is a compilation of all the answers, the larger a word appears the more people felt they and/or other people had this gift or talent.

Do we live up to what we hope?"




All groups and individuals wishing to hire or use rooms on our property must submit and have approved, a full risk assessment prior to starting.

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